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Happy to announce that: For the 4th time we have an international collaboration between
Darling Desperados & Os Satyros!

Video by Albin Oké @albinonin

On a remote Island far away in the Bothnia Bay, we enter this dystopian story, specially written and dedicated to Darling Desperados.

A strong rumbling sound sweeps over the island, but is it really the storm?

The legendary Staffan Göthe & Bengt Braskered is once again teaming up with Darling Desperados ,Ulrika Malmgren & Katta Pålsson in this international collaboration between Brazil and Sweden.

The performance take place on the edge between cabaret and performance where the actors, live music , set design and visuals are collaborating with the audience.

The interaction between each artistic expression in the tragic portrayal of love and death welcomes you to another dimension. Traditions and experiments from both Europe and South America are combined into a world of its own.

The characters are driven by love, hope and longing but are thrown out in a world they don’t understand and that is trying to throw them out.

Anna struggles with old memories of success and Jonna tries to find a new life with her love. Their neighbour Hannes is a stalker, while Lady The Dragqueen lives in the cabaret and inspires her friend Anna.

The importance of international collaborations is increasing in times of the dismantling of democracy. The theme of the play is global. The show is dedicated to all of you who carry a dream and trying to exist despite life’s incurable loneliness and shattered dreams of love and belonging.

Av: Rodolfo Garcia Vázquez & Ivam Cabral 
Regi&Ljus : Rodolfo Garcia Vázquez 
Kostym Adriana Vaz och Leticia Gomide 
Musik: Henrik Lörstad
Animationer:Franco Veloz
Scenografiass/Rekvisita : Leif Persson
Maskdesign :Eva Lena Jönsson Lunde
Ljusteknik : Kajsa -Sara Hogelid
Tekniker :Ali Lali & Alfons Wiberg
Översättning :Bianca Cruzeiro
Rörelseworkshop: Björn Vårsjö
Poster:Diego Ribeiro
Fotoutställning Malmöåren med Darlings Desperados:
Hans Jonsson
Produktion:Ulrika Malmgren & Katta Pålsson

So far we performed at Moriska Paviljongen-Malmö & Ö2-Stockholm
More shows in the planing, soon coming up.

Med stöd av :Statens Kulturråd,Svante Bergströms Teaterstiftelse:
Tack till:Gabriela Klink,Malin Hjelm,Björn Vårsjö, Cathrine Hansson, teaterMoment,Ö2,Moriska Paviljongen